Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Numba 2

Hello any readers Who happen to be on this strange second rate imitation of a half-decent blog,

Just to straighten this up, as I've had a friend ask me;
Yes, this blog is weekly, but there is no set day on which I release it, just when I get round to/feel like it.

Now thats done away with, on with the blog.

I just thought of this, and it has been a recurring thought in my mind, and those of others I know;
What noise, exactly, does a moose make? Its really been bugging me. I thought maybe, a gutteral growl, thats not overly threatening. anyone who knows get in touch with me, I've linked my myspace, or, if you know me, send me an email, or talk to me on msn.

and now for the link;

This weeks link is from a brilliant web site called www.firebox.com, one of my favourite online stores, which offers anything from a jet engine powered flying car, to a plush puppet of kermit the frog, or even, to this weeks link, a wifi detecting tee-shirt. Yes, a wifi detecting tee-shirt.
seeing is believing.


And on that technocratic note, I'll end this entry.



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